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River Rafting for Beginners

Most rivers in the world have the potential to bring some adrenaline with river rafting opportunities. Rivers are classed into different categories according to their level of the challenge they deliver. For those who are longing to be part of the experience, we offer some tips on how to get started with this challenging and yet amazingly fun outdoor sport.

Before Going on Your First Trip

Do the proper research about the first river you will try out. Rivers are classified into different classes. Class, I being very calm with no real waves or objects and are perfect for those who need to get used to being on the water at first.

Class II provides some rapids but is still very safe with full channels and significant clear passages and the rapids only provide regular waves. Class VI, which contains large waves and rocks with many hazards and drops and the right amount of white water, is considered dangerous and do require mastery of the techniques.

Decide on Your Vessel

The kind of boat you are in will influence how hard your trip is. The options are between a paddle boat and an oar boat. In a paddle boat, you will be doing a lot of the work while in an oar boat, a guide is often doing most of the work. Also, you can choose between kayaks and rafts. Rafts are inflated, and they might move slower through the water but are less likely to capsize than kayaks.

What to Bring Along and What to Leave at Home

You need to be protected from the sun at all times. Hence sunscreen is a must. A swimsuit, quick drying clothes and maybe bring a buff and a hat for extra protection against the sun. Sunglasses must be secured with a strap to your head, and a bonus tip is to tie a cork to the string holding your sunglasses in place.

The odds are that if you do drop them in the water that the cork will bob to the surface, keeping your favourite pair of shades from sinking to the bottom. But then again, don’t bring your favourite pair of shades. Don’t bring anything of value which might get lost in the water.

Be Ready to Swim

You will wear a life jacket which will keep you afloat but be ready to fall into the water at any moment without going into panic mode when it happens. You will be fine, move forward towards the raft again to be able to jump back in. To avoid falling overboard, push your feet slightly in underneath the air tube, but not too tightly that you don’t get them out if the raft capsizes.

When you feel that you might fall out, paddle harder, the water serves as a bracing point, and by paddling more, you keep yourself from being tossed during the rapids but most importantly, don’t forget to have fun. Rivers are usually the magical road into untouched nature surrounding you.