International shoplifting has predominantly increased throughout the last twelve months, with surges following after billions worldwide were forced into lockdown measures & unable to sustain their normal obligations for work. It prompted individuals unfamiliar with crime to target known industries synonymous with shoplifting, resulting in apparel-theft margins rising by 68%. Studies released by the “National Retail Federation Trade Group” on December 15th designated prominent rises in shoplifting, which are expected to continue into the new year.
Surveys were sustained by this trade group, asking hundred of internationally recognized retail corporations of their shoplifting statistics. Average volumes ascertained through these statistics showed criminal activity in retail locations increased by 68%. It’s estimated an average of $719,548.00 was stolen with each billion in sales. Clarification was issued by the National Retail Federation that losses have reached above $700k for five years. Losses jumped from $450k in 2015 to $700k in 2016.
Criminal syndicates worldwide have become proficient in targeting warehouses, cargo ships, and retail stores over the last half decade. It’s prompted retailers into investing millions towards fighting those criminals, with enhanced security cameras & guards to defend these properties. Security forces defending these retail corporations have reached new heights, becoming more consistent with law enforcement & sustaining stronger rights for temporary imprisonment. North America is the final largescale marketplace that hasn’t adopted stronger law enforcement against these criminal syndicates. The National Retail Federation believes losses could reach $300,000.00 or less if North America adopted harsher punishments against shoplifters.
Stronger Restrictions Needed
The Canadian & American Governments not accounting for retail losses is prompting international corporations to leave that marketplace. $700,000.00 in monetary disruptions shouldn’t be accounted for when pandemic scenarios unfold onto international operations. Retailers worldwide saw deodorant, detergent, clothing, razors, painkillers, food, infant formula, and allergy medication become the most stolen items over 2020.
These losses were felt worldwide but saw high percentages initiate primarily from North America. Retailers are enhancing their return policies to guarantee that criminals that stole goods can be later found in-store & cannot receive store credit. Most syndicates return to other locations days later for store credit, than use those reallocated funds towards legalized purchased. It’s their method of disputing any crime was committed if found later by security or law enforcement.