Home » 2020 (Page 4)

Protestors Outside Put Trump Inside

The United States of America is currently in shambles after the COVID-19 pandemic has killed thousands, and an officer of the law murdered an innocent...

Canada Urged to Reopen Parks

Health experts worldwide have determined that civilians are best suited in outdoor environments. Research on the novel coronavirus has revealed that extensive indoor consumption will...

Children Permitted Outside in Spain

Spanish parents were shocked to learn that law enforcement was permitting children to leave their homes, which hasn’t been possible for six weeks amidst the...

Bodies Piling Up Outside NYC Funeral Homes

The Brooklyn Funeral Home is experiencing overwhelming conditions, similar to the Morgue Truck Transporters in New York City. These conditions have prompted the funeral home...

Wear Face Masks While Outside

The Centre of Disease Control & the Trump Administration has altered its safety protocols for American citizens. They’re now recommending that all US Citizens wear...

Outdoor Activities During Covid-19

Millions worldwide are locked inside their home to assist with limiting the spread of Covid-19. It’s prompted numerous closures of recreational facilities, meaning that families...